salt stack

Australian Saltworks - Our Salt Manufacturing Business

AusSalt owns and operates Australian Saltworks producing and selling a range of solar salt products into Australian and export markets.

Australian Saltworks
Quality Australian Natural Evaporated Washed & Refined Salt Products
Australian Saltworks - High Quality Solar Salt Products

Our Consulting Business

AusSalt provides expert commercial, marketing, engineering and technical advice to salt producers, distributors and users.

We are equipped to deliver consulting services from simple advice through to overall design and project management.

Consulting Business Profile

AusSalt is an Australian company servicing the global salt industry. The business is staffed by industry experts and is able to assist customers in all facets of the salt business from salt making through to sales & marketing.

AusSalt is a business established to provide advice and solutions in all areas of the salt industry.

AusSalt provides solutions that are developed and delivered by salt industry professionals.

AusSalt provides a range of expert consulting services in the following areas:

  • Solar salt field design and construction
  • Salt field tenement and environmental management
  • Solar salt processing and refining - design construct and process optimization
  • Brine treatment - Vacuum Plant, Solar Salt, Chlor-Alkali
  • Salinity management - ground water interception schemes and evaporation basins
  • Salt & saline waste management - evaporation and disposal
  • Product quality and packaging
  • Salt product selection, procurement
  • Salt product distribution and logistics
  • Marketing - retail and industrial